
Agrarian Economics

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The analysis and assessment of the current potatoes growing state of agricultural organizations of the Republic of Belarus, problem in a link of a potato and grocery subcomplex of Agroindustrial Complex "the agricultural producer processor of potatoes on starch" on the example of JSC "Rogoznitsky Starched Plant", ways of their solutions are given

About the Author

Alexander Golovach
Institute of System Studies in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


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3. Программа «инновационное развитие производства картофеля и топинамбура» на 2013-2016 годы / в. и. старовойтов [и др.] // картофелеводство: сб. науч. тр.: в 2 ч. / науч.-практ. центр нан беларуси по картофелеводству и плодоовощеводству; редкол.: с. а. турко (гл. ред.) [и др.]. - минск, 2013. - т. 21. - ч. 2 - с. 6-15.

4. Банадысев, С. А. семеноводство картофеля: организация, методы, технология / с. а. банадысев. - минск, 2003. - 325 с.


For citations:

Golovach A. The analysis and assessment of the current potatoes growing state of agricultural organizations of the Republic of Belarus, problem in a link of a potato and grocery subcomplex of Agroindustrial Complex "the agricultural producer processor of potatoes on starch" on the example of JSC "Rogoznitsky Starched Plant", ways of their solutions are given. Agrarian Economics. 2018;(9):43-57. (In Russ.)

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