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Methods of substantiation of prices sale of meat product depending on its quality


Increased competition in the food market dictates the need for enterprises to improve the quality of products. In article the technique of justification of the selling price of meat production depending on its quality is offered. The improved economic and mathematical model of the program of development of the processing enterprise, allows proving rational use of raw materials, to carry out optimization of volumes of production and realization of production for the purpose of increase of final results of managing on the basis of growth of quality and competitiveness of production.

About the Authors

Anatoly Sajganov
Institute of System Studies in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Ivan Shafranski
Belarusian State Academy of Agriculture


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For citations:

Sajganov A., Shafranski I. Methods of substantiation of prices sale of meat product depending on its quality. Agrarian Economics. 2018;(9):23-31. (In Russ.)

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