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System analysis of world practice of competitive functioning of food industry enterprises


The system analysis of the world practice of competitive functioning of food industry enterprises is made in the framework of which the key features of the industry development, current trends, conditions and factors of strategic impact, the tools used in the world practice to improve the efficiency of the mechanism of competitive operation of food industry enterprises. This allowed us to formulate targets for the development of food industry enterprises in the areas of assessing the impact of nutrition on health, finding sources of reducing the cost of healthy eating, developing and implementing national programs for promoting a balanced diet, and others.

About the Author

Andrei Pilipuk
Institute of System Studies in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


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For citations:

Pilipuk A. System analysis of world practice of competitive functioning of food industry enterprises. Agrarian Economics. 2018;(2):28-38. (In Russ.)

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