
Agrarian Economics

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Quality of dairy raw materials as the most important factor of increase of economic efficiency of functioning of a dairy subcomplex


In article the analysis of quality of the milk received by the agricultural organizations of the Minsk region is carried out. Dynamics of structure of milk on grades, both across the Minsk region, and on areas is reflected. Grouping calculations for an indicator of specific weight of milk of a grade «extra» in a total amount of sales are made. A comparative assessment of indicators of economic efficiency of production of milk in «Gastellovskoye» and «Nestanovichi-Agro» is given. The reasons of poor quality of milk are established. Requirements to the milk arriving for processing on organoleptic, physical and chemical, microbiological indicators and indicators of safety are stated.

About the Author

Olga Karaban
Belarusian Agrarian Technical University


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For citations:

Karaban O. Quality of dairy raw materials as the most important factor of increase of economic efficiency of functioning of a dairy subcomplex. Agrarian Economics. 2017;(10):50-56. (In Russ.)

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