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Economy 4.0 and the need for inclusion of startups in the business


In the article, based on the assessment of current trends in the investment and market solvency of the agro-industrial complex, it is established that traditional methods and instruments of agribusiness management, based primarily on the theory and methodology of formatting linear management configurations and the proportions of interaction between the resources involved and the results of their use through the modernization of the company's technological capacities, Growth of agro-resources performance against the bac. The author reasoned that for a real and substantial increase in the competitiveness of the economy of the agroindustrial complex in the economy of 4.0 it is necessary to intensify the development and practical application of hybridization of the use of physical and artificial intelligence through the creation and inclusiveness of start-ups in the activities of agrarian organizations that provide exponential growth of key indicators of their market activities.

About the Author

Mikhail Zhudro
Belarusian State Economic University


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For citations:

Zhudro M. Economy 4.0 and the need for inclusion of startups in the business. Agrarian Economics. 2017;(10):16-21. (In Russ.)

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