
Agrarian Economics

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Increasing the efficiency of functioning the agrienterprises of Ukraine due to the development of integrational associations


In the article, based on the analysis of the level prices for the main products of Ukrainian crop production, the author propose measures for the formation of integrated structures of agricultural enterprises, which produce and support the production and sale of products. This will allow to cooperative sell the domestic agricultural products in foreign markets and, in such manner, to increase the level of exports and GDP of Ukraine, and to provide more effective regulatory influence on market conditions.

About the Author

Pavel Bohachyk
Uman National University of Horticulture


1. Государственная служба статистики Украины [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: - Дата доступа: 16.04.2017.

2. Финансовый портал «Минфин» [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: - Дата доступа: 16.04.2017.

3. UN Comtrade [Electronic resource]: United Nations Statistic Division - Mode of access: - Date of access: 16.04.2017.

4. Украинская зерновая ассоциация [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: - Дата доступа: 16.04.2017.

5. Ассоциация «Укролияпром» [Электронный ресурс]. - Режим доступа: - Дата доступа: 16.04.2017.


For citations:

Bohachyk P. Increasing the efficiency of functioning the agrienterprises of Ukraine due to the development of integrational associations. Agrarian Economics. 2017;(8):60-65. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)