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Technological approaches to formation of a quality management system


For the effective production of works of organization it is necessary to manage processes and to provide such strategy of quality, that can be realized only at the complete personal interest of top management in producing of quality products. Consequently, choosing internalss, it is necessary to use such stages as development, perfection, analysis and estimation of alternative variants. Every organization is unique. Consequently, a development of strategy process has specific features, as depends on position of organization at the market, dynamics of her development, behavior of competitors, potential of this structure, descriptions of the commodities or rendered services, state of economy and another parameters offered to her. Major from the last are strong parties of organization. The analysis of the different systems of monitoring of quality shows that presently there is not single methodology of estimation of results of activity of enterprise it is not, and corresponding questions are in every organization examined individually.

About the Authors

Sergey Osnovin
Belarusian State Economic University

Natalya Maltsevich
Belarusian State Economic University

Victor Osnovin
Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University

Larisa Osnovina
Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University


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For citations:

Osnovin S., Maltsevich N., Osnovin V., Osnovina L. Technological approaches to formation of a quality management system. Agrarian Economics. 2017;(8):29-35. (In Russ.)

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