
Agrarian Economics

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Mutually beneficial cooperation of business and science as one of the most important factors of innovative development of agricultural production


The article analyses the forms and mechanisms of mutually beneficial cooperation of manufacturers and organizations producing scientific and technical products in the agricultural sector (clusters, technological platforms and innovation infrastructure - agrotechnopark, business incubators, technology transfer centres, etc.). There are considered some aspects foreign experience of business and science integration and its legal regulation, the use of which will contribute to the effectiveness of intensive innovative development of domestic agricultural production in the article.

For citations:

Chabatul V., Tretiakova I., Bashko A., Rusakovich A., Shpak D. Mutually beneficial cooperation of business and science as one of the most important factors of innovative development of agricultural production. Agrarian Economics. 2017;(8):11-20. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)