
Agrarian Economics

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Economic efficiency of sugar beet cultivation technology when using mulch sowing


The economic estimation of the technology of sowing sugar beet into the oilseed radish and straw mulches is given. Economic efficiency of using minimal soil treatment in cultivating sugar beet is proved. Applying manure underneath the previous crop is justified with the minimal soil treatment only. Regardless of the method of the basic soil treatment and the kind of mulch, the optimal dose of nitrogen is N90 before sowing. From the economic point of view applying oilseed radish mulch is inexpedient during ploughing, while during disking oilseed radish mulch is preferable to straw mulch.

For citations:

Ostanin A. Economic efficiency of sugar beet cultivation technology when using mulch sowing. Agrarian Economics. 2017;(6):53-59. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)