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Integrated Investment rapid diagnosis of proportionality business processes unprofitable agribusiness organizations


The comparative analytical, experimental and expert evaluation of the existing investment of rapid diagnosis methods of economic status AIC unprofitable enterprises. A methodological approach to upgrade them to optimize the values of parameters that characterize the liquidity of the data structures, profitability and stability of their activity. A toolkit to mainstream conflict characteristics such investments as the return and stability on the one hand and the return and liquidity - on the other. The methodological approach and the algorithm level agricultural solvency assessment. Recommendations managers, investors, entrepreneurs for the justification of future scenarios of development of these structures.

About the Author

Mikhail Zhudro
Belarusian State Economic University


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For citations:

Zhudro M. Integrated Investment rapid diagnosis of proportionality business processes unprofitable agribusiness organizations. Agrarian Economics. 2016;(11):8-13. (In Russ.)

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