Cluster approach to the implementation of the socio-economic potential of agricultural heritage sites of the Republic of Belarus
The article examines the socio-economic potential of agricultural heritage sites in the development of the Republic of Belarus. A structured list of agricultural heritage sites grouped into nine categories is presented. The analysis of their potential contribution to the creation of new jobs and the diversification of the country’s income has been conducted. The authors emphasize the significance of the cluster approach to the development of agricultural heritage sites as centers of territorial development, performing production, educational, and touristic functions, and contributing to the creation of sustainable local ecosystems. The results of the study can serve as a basis for developing regional development strategies and shaping state policy.
About the Authors
N. BatovaBelarus
Batova Nadezhda Nikolaevna – Head of the Sector of Ecological and Economic Re- searches, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Asso- ciate Professor
O. Pashkevich
Pashkevich Olga Alexandrovna – Head of the Labor and Social Relations Sector, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
D. Samtsova
Samtsova Darya Vladimirovna – Researcher of the Sector of Ecological and Economic Re- searches, Master of Economic Sciences
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For citations:
Batova N., Pashkevich O., Samtsova D. Cluster approach to the implementation of the socio-economic potential of agricultural heritage sites of the Republic of Belarus. Agrarian Economics. 2025;1(2):76-93. (In Russ.)