Formation of rural human capital infrastructure in contemporary conditions
In modern conditions, human capital is a priority factor in the development of rural areas of Belarus. The socio-economic character of its formation makes it necessary to study the specifics of human capital development in the territorial area. The conducted research, which is also based on a detailed study of sociological surveys, allows us to point out infrastructural factors that predetermine the concentration of human capital in rural areas. This fact actualizes the task of improving the methods of managing its development through the development of conceptual approaches to the formation of the concept of rural human capital development.
About the Author
T. TsetsiarynetsBelarus
Tsetsiarynets Tatsiana Anatolevna – Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
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For citations:
Tsetsiarynets T. Formation of rural human capital infrastructure in contemporary conditions. Agrarian Economics. 2025;1(2):44-53. (In Russ.)