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The mechanism for creating a mutual investment fund of the Belgospischeprom concern


The author's mechanism for organizing a mutual investment fund by the Belgospischeprom concern is proposed based on an algorithm that includes nine stages (accreditation of the concern as a management company; decision-making on the formation of a mutual investment fund and approval of a joint investment declaration and rules; registration of investment units; their acquisition by contributions to a mutual investment fund; completion of its formation and reflection information in the depository; selection of investment projects; their financing and implementation; evaluation of results; payment of dividends to participating organizations), of which the first five relate to the creation of a mutual investment fund, the subsequent ones relate to its direct operation.

About the Author

A. Gerasenko
Institute of System Researches in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Gerasenko Alexander Vladimirovich – Post-Graduate Student




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For citations:

Gerasenko A. The mechanism for creating a mutual investment fund of the Belgospischeprom concern. Agrarian Economics. 2024;1(11):46-52. (In Russ.)

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