Relationship between investment in fixed capital and economic efficiency in the agrarian sector of Belarus
The relationship between investments in fixed capital and the efficiency of agricultural organizations in Belarus in 2013–2022 is analysed by groups of commodity producers depending on profitability and by administrative regions. The optimal share of own funds in the structure of investment sources is substantiated.
About the Authors
V. ChabatulBelarus
Chabatul Vitalij Vladimirovich – Head of the Investment and Innovation Sector, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
O. Azarenko
Russian Federation
Azarenko Olga Arkadjevna – Researcher of the Investment and Innovation Sector
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For citations:
Chabatul V., Azarenko O. Relationship between investment in fixed capital and economic efficiency in the agrarian sector of Belarus. Agrarian Economics. 2024;1(8):16-28. (In Russ.)