The methodology for monitoring and evaluating the development of the dairy industry
The results of the study of theoretical and methodological aspects of the monitoring process, as well as the sustainability aspects of the assessment process and the development of financial activity dairy companies. The aim of the appropriate action is to diagnose the condition of the structure of the system of indicators corresponding to the specifics of the industry. The scientific novelty of the proposed method is the possibility of its application to the study of the dynamics and efficiency of the potential for sustainable development of milk processing enterprises the choice of measures to stimulate the said process, the development and implementation of a strategy, evaluation of the results of its implementation. The proposed method can be used by the leadership of the specific dairy companies as well as public authorities.
About the Author
Iryna Stankevich
Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University
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For citations:
Stankevich I.
The methodology for monitoring and evaluating the development of the dairy industry. Agrarian Economics. 2016;(9):38-42.
(In Russ.)
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