Economic efficiency of cultivation of stubble cruciferous crops
The paper presents the results of studying the productivity of stubble cruciferous crops and their impact on the yield of the subsequent crop in crop rotation. It was established that when cultivating stubble white mustard feed units yield was 16.9 c/ha and oil radish – 17.6 c/ha. Under their influence the grain yield of subsequent barley increased by 3.0 c/ha (8.1 %) on average and maize grain – by 1.8 c/ha (2.6 %). When cultivating white mustard the net income was 17.71 rubles/ha and profitability – 2.8 %, with oil radish it was 24.11 rubles/ha and 3.6 %. Taking into account their effect on the subsequent crop in rotation, those indicators increased and were 139.00 and 105.90 rubles/ha (21.2 and 15.8 %).
About the Authors
A. SkirukhaBelarus
Skirukha Anatoli Cheslavovich – Head of the Arable Farming Systems Department, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
E. Puchko
Puchko Evgeny Alexandrovich – Post-Graduate Student
A. Gvozdov
Gvozdov Alexandr Pavlovich – Deputy Director General for Innovation and Production, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
L. Bulavin
Bulavin Leonid Alexandrovich – Leading Researcher of the Arable Farming Systems Department, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
M. Belanovskaya
Belanovskaya Marina Anatolievna – Researcher of the Arable Farming Systems Department
A. Lenski
Lenski Alexandr Vladimirovich – Head of the Sector of Operational and Economic Assessment of Machines, Candidate of Economic Sciences
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For citations:
Skirukha A., Puchko E., Gvozdov A., Bulavin L., Belanovskaya M., Lenski A. Economic efficiency of cultivation of stubble cruciferous crops. Agrarian Economics. 2024;(5):50-57. (In Russ.)