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The elevator industry is a major link in interaction with agriculture


Elevators purchase and store the commodity part of the gross grain harvest, prepare it for supplying processing industries, providing agriculture with seed grain improved by industrial methods, as well as exchange operations (grain for grain, feed for grain).

The problems of economic interaction between grain farming and the elevator industry, determined by the level of production, post-harvest processing, storage and sales, are highlighted. A granary system consisting of three large units is presented. The prospect for the development of the elevator industry in the increasing role of the first and second links in close proximity to grain production in the country has been determined.

About the Authors

S. Mizanbekova
Kazakh State Agrarian Research University

Mizanbekova Salima Kaspievna – Professor of the Department of Management and Organization of Agribusiness named after H. D. Churin, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor


G. Beisenova
Kazakh State Agrarian Research University

Beisenova Gulnara Shoganbekovna – Head of the Department of Management and Organization of Agribusiness named after H. D. Churin, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor


I. Mizanbekov
Kazakh State Agrarian Research University

Mizanbekov Ilyas Toleubekovich – Doctoral Student of the Department of Agricultural Technology and Mechanical Engineering



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For citations:

Mizanbekova S., Beisenova G., Mizanbekov I. The elevator industry is a major link in interaction with agriculture. Agrarian Economics. 2024;(2):68-78. (In Russ.)

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