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IPO algorithm on the platform of the Belarusian currency and stock exchange


Studying the features of the IPO mechanism on the platform of the Belarusian сurrency and stock еxchange is an important task, the solution of which will allow enterprises to increase investment potential or attract financing through the stock market of the Republic of Belarus, which is relevant for the agricultural sector in matters of regulating solvency and economic efficiency.

Based on the systematization and development of the methodological foundations for analyzing and identifying trends on the issues under study, a recommendation has been developed for conducting a public offering of shares on the stock market. It involves a detailed breakdown of each stage of the IPO from the moment of decision making to summing up the results.

About the Authors

N. Bychkov
Institute of System Researches in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Bychkov Nikolay Alexandrovich  –  Head of the Sector of Property Relations, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor


V. Metlitskiy
Institute of System Researches in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Metlitskiy Valery Nikolaevich – Leading Researcher of the Sector of Property Relations, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor


M. Neskrebina
Institute of System Researches in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Neskrebina Maria Viktorovna – Researcher of the Sector of Property Relations


H. Valakhovich
Institute of System Researches in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Valakhovich Hanna Mikhailauna – Researcher of the Sector of Property Relations, Master of Economic Sciences



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For citations:

Bychkov N., Metlitskiy V., Neskrebina M., Valakhovich H. IPO algorithm on the platform of the Belarusian currency and stock exchange. Agrarian Economics. 2024;(2):32-43. (In Russ.)

Views: 150

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