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The scientific recommendations on the organization of state intervention regulation in the agricultural sector at the present stage


State intervention regulation is a variable system, the effectiveness of which depends on the priorities of the state’s active intervention in the functioning of the market, in conjugation of the interests of market counterparties. They, in turn, follow from the current situation and strategic development objectives. When preparing the article, we proceeded from the fact that it is practically impossible to develop a universal scheme of intervention impact. This conclusion is confirmed, among other things, by studying the scientific literature – the recommendations of the authors have many distinctive features both in terms of the range of issues under consideration (commodity and price interventions, correction of export-import operations, state support, stimulation of scientific and technological progress, etc.), and specific conclusions attached to them. It is necessary to take into account many factors, the role of each of which individually is different in its significance, direction, strength and duration of impact, and in the aggregate forms unique combinations, the nature of the influence of which is very diverse.

In this regard, the paper gives recommendations in relation to the current situation, which takes into account integration processes, resource opportunities, and the potential for growth in demand for food on the world market. We took into account the developments of both Belarusian and foreign scientists, taking into account changes in the demographic situation, the unfavorable political background of trade with unfriendly countries, their results are critically rethought, on the basis of this, a complete author’s system of recommendations on key areas of state economic interventions in the agroindustrial complex is presented.

About the Author

N. Panasyuga
Belarusian State Agricultural Academy

Natalia P. Panasyuga – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Management Faculty of Economics, Master of Economic Sciences.



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For citations:

Panasyuga N. The scientific recommendations on the organization of state intervention regulation in the agricultural sector at the present stage. Agrarian Economics. 2023;(12):23-38. (In Russ.)

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