Improving the methodology for classifying territories (districts) as unfavorable for the production of agricultural products and the distribution of budget expenditures for the agroindustrial complex of Belarus
Proposals are presented to improve the methodology for classifying territories as unfavorable for agricultural production by supplementing criteria and developing a new calculation procedure, as well as the distribution of budget expenditures for the agroindustrial complex by applying a differentiated approach. The novelty of the development lies in the comprehensive definition of criteria, taking into account the peculiarities of agricultural production in the regions of the country.
About the Author
A. Sharenkо
Institute of System Researches in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Alexander N. Sharenkо – Нead of the Finance Sector, Мaster of Economic Sciences.
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5. Nauchno-metodicheskie podkhody k sovershenstvovaniyu mekhanizmov gosudarstvennoi podderzhki neblagopriyatnykh territorii dlya proizvodstva sel'skokhozyaistvennoi produktsii / A. N. Sharenko [i dr.] // Nauchnye printsipy regulirovaniya razvitiya APK: predlozheniya i mekhanizmy realizatsii / V. G. Gusakov [i dr.]; redkol.: V. G. Gusakov (gl. red.) [i dr.]. - Minsk: In-t sistem. issled. v APK NAN Belarusi, 2021. - Gl. 3, § 3.1. - S. 54-63.
For citations:
Sharenkо A.
Improving the methodology for classifying territories (districts) as unfavorable for the production of agricultural products and the distribution of budget expenditures for the agroindustrial complex of Belarus. Agrarian Economics. 2023;(12):13-22.
(In Russ.)
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