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The use of cluster formation principles and tools to improve the efficiency of lending to agroindustrial complex entities


   The analysis of the concepts of application of the cluster approach has been carried out. Criteria are identified that summarize the content of the considered concepts and the types of relationships in the cluster that affect the creditworthiness of its participants. Based on the selected criteria, the advantages of clustering are grouped, which should be taken into account when lending. The grouping of these advantages made it possible to identify areas of practical application of the cluster approach. To improve the efficiency of the value chain of agro-food products, the clustering tools used in European practice are disclosed. Based on the systematization of the advantages of applying the cluster approach and the European experience, clustering tools that are acceptable in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus and favorably affect the result of lending are proposed.

About the Author

Ye. Gruzinskaya
Institute of System Researches in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Yelena Valeryeuna Gruzinskaya, Leading Researcher, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Cooperation Sector



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For citations:

Gruzinskaya Ye. The use of cluster formation principles and tools to improve the efficiency of lending to agroindustrial complex entities. Agrarian Economics. 2023;(10):56-64. (In Russ.)

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