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Economic efficiency of the use of means of mechanization of intensive horticulture in Belarus


This article considers the issue of using means of mechanization of the most labor-intensive processes of intensive horticulture in Belarus. It has been established that the level of mechanization of the basic technology of cultivating an apple orchard is only 12,5 %, and requires financial resources – 6163 rubles/ha. A set of machines developed by RUE “SPC NAS of Belarus for agricultural mechanization” consists of an ASU-6 unit for harvesting fruits and pruning trees, a KUV-1,8 complex for swathing and chopping cut branches of fruit trees and a technological line LSP-4 for sorting and packing apples allows you to mechanize these processes. The use of the proposed train of machines in a promising garden cultivation technology allows for annual cost savings on the technological map in the amount of 1018,5 rubles/ha, a reduction in labor costs by 278,5 man-hours/ha, and the level of mechanization of garden cultivation – 50,1 %.

About the Authors

P. Kazakevich
Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Kazakevich Petr Petrovich – Deputy Chairman of the Presidium, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member


A. Yurin
Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Agricultural Mechanization

Yurin Anton Nikolaevich – Head of the Laboratory of Mechanization of Cultivation of Fruit, Berry and Vegetable Crops, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor



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For citations:

Kazakevich P., Yurin A. Economic efficiency of the use of means of mechanization of intensive horticulture in Belarus. Agrarian Economics. 2023;(9):49-61. (In Russ.)

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