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Radiological and economic efficiency of the cesium-137 sorbent


On the territory of radioactive contamination, in the system of measures aimed at reducing the uptake of radionuclides by livestock products, a large place is occupied by the methods of introducing cesium-binding sorbents into the diets. However, the disadvantage of their use is the lack of the local production in Belarus.
The article discusses the radiological and economic efficiency of the caesium-137 sorbent of the Belarusian origin. It has been established that the Belarusian-made enterosorbent in the diet of rabbits at a dose of 2 g/head, 4 g/head and in the diet of bulls at a dose 40 g/head is 1,4, 2,6 and 1,15 times respectively more effective than pure ferrocine. Starting from the 5th to the 20th day of using the carbon sorbent, there is a decrease in the content of cesium-137 in the milk of cows from 1,7 to 4,5 times.
The cost per 1 thousand Bq of the difference in the accumulation of cesium-137 in rabbit meat in case of the Belarusian sorbent at a dose of 2 g/head by 7,6 times lower in comparison with ferrocine, at a dose of 4 g/head by 4,0 times, in beef by 5,5 times, in milk by 5,2 times lower.

About the Authors

A. Karpenko
Institute of Radiobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Karpenko Aleksey Fyodorovich – Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Environmentally Safe Animal Production under Technogenic Contamination Conditions, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor


A. Tsarenok
Institute of Radiobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Tsarenok Alexander Alexandrovich – Head of the Laboratory of Environmentally Safe Animal Production under Technogenic Contamination Conditions, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences


O. Antipenko
Institute of Radiobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Antipenko Olga Nikolaevna – Post-Graduate Student of the Laboratory of Environmentally Safe Animal Production under Technogenic Contamination Conditions



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For citations:

Karpenko A., Tsarenok A., Antipenko O. Radiological and economic efficiency of the cesium-137 sorbent. Agrarian Economics. 2023;(8):80-86. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)