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Cluster organization of the economy is the basis for sustainable development of the state


The global economy is experiencing turbulence caused by sanctions and various kinds of restrictions, in connection with which the traditional chains of production and marketing of goods and services have been disrupted, many companies are becoming bankrupt. At the same time, business entities are beginning to truly understand the importance of cooperation and integration, and in these difficult conditions they are trying to more actively interact with other participants in market relations in order to overcome competition and sanctions.
It has been established that clusters are currently a promising form of interaction between enterprises and organizations. Their capabilities allow us to withstand competition and increase production and sales volumes, enter new markets. To improve the efficiency of functioning of cluster structures, a number of directions have been proposed – optimization of cost, material and technical base of production, labor and material costs for production. Accounting for each of them in direct interaction with each other will make it possible to form in practice the appropriate mechanisms that give clusters advantages over competitors.

About the Author

E. Gusakov
Institute of System Researches in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Gusakov Egor Vladimirovich – Leading Researcher, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor



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For citations:

Gusakov E. Cluster organization of the economy is the basis for sustainable development of the state. Agrarian Economics. 2023;(8):13-20. (In Russ.)

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