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Etymology of objective economic laws and regularities in relation to the cluster organization of the agroindustrial complex


A study of the etymology of objective economic laws and patterns of material production has been carried out and 10 fundamental provisions have been formulated. In particular, the first says that the functioning of the economic system is determined by a number of fundamental mechanisms and methods. They are built depending on the specifics of the socio-economic structure in which they are implemented. The second suggests that the most important mechanisms that have a decisive influence on the development of the entire socio-economic system are the key economic laws and their derivatives – patterns and principles that together form a set of mandatory norms and rules for the actions of commodity producers, etc. As a result, the formulated provisions allow you to establish the nature of the basic economic laws, their totality and mechanism of action.

About the Author

E. Gusakov
Institute of System Researches in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Gusakov Egor Vladimirovich – Leading Researcher, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor



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For citations:

Gusakov E. Etymology of objective economic laws and regularities in relation to the cluster organization of the agroindustrial complex. Agrarian Economics. 2023;(7):34-41. (In Russ.)

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