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Methodology for assessing the economic efficiency of feed resources, taking into account their intended use in dairy cattle breeding


Methodological approaches to assessing the nutritional value of fodder crops and the economic efficiency of their use in milk production are considered. The production and economic state of dairy cattle breeding in the agricultural organizations of the country is analyzed. The results and identified patterns of development are used to substantiate indicative reference indicators for the evaluation of feed. A system of indicators of nutritional value and economic efficiency of fodder use has been developed and proposed, a practical approbation of the methodology has been carried out, and an algorithm for assessing the economic efficiency of the production of certain types of grassy fodder has been presented.

About the Authors

A. Zaprudsky
Institute of Plant Protection

Zaprudsky Alexander Anatolievich – Director, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor


A. Gorbatovskij
Institute of System Researches in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Gorbatovskij Alexander Viktorovich – Head of the Sector of Industries Economics


N. Nadtochaev
Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for agriculture
Russian Federation

Nadtochaev Nikolay Fedorovich – Head оf the Department of Field Feed Production, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor



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For citations:

Zaprudsky A., Gorbatovskij A., Nadtochaev N. Methodology for assessing the economic efficiency of feed resources, taking into account their intended use in dairy cattle breeding. Agrarian Economics. 2023;(6):63-75. (In Russ.)

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