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Trends and features of the development of the world market of ready-made feeds for farm livestock


A systematic analysis of trends in the global market for agricultural products and livestock feed is presented. The main parameters of production and demand for feed grain by regions, the peculiarities of the price environment have been identified, the dynamics of the industry development in the main exporting countries have been studied. An approach to the classification of world market trends is proposed, taking into account the impact on the balance of the domestic market of ready-made feeds for farm livestock. 

About the Author

V. Pobedinskiy
Institute of System Researches in the Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Pobedinskiy Vadim Petrovich – Applicant for the Degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences, Sector of the Economy of Industries



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For citations:

Pobedinskiy V. Trends and features of the development of the world market of ready-made feeds for farm livestock. Agrarian Economics. 2023;(5):65-80. (In Russ.)

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