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Regional peculiarities of sugar beet cultivation in Belarus


The article presents the regional results of a comprehensive ranking assessment of the functioning of the sugar beet industry. It was revealed that the farms of the Minsk region turned out to be the undisputed leader in terms of the complex of production and dynamic indicators. The Grodno region took the second ranking place, and the farms of the Mogilev region took the third.

The study of the economic and financial performance of the Belarusian sugar production showed that over a five-year period (2016–2020), the final performance of the industry has significantly decreased: the total cost of 1 ton of root crops in 2020. compared to 2016, it was higher than the selling price of products, and the level of profitability of commodity root crops fell by almost 31 percentage points. In conclusion, the article provides a set of measures to improve the regional production, economic and financial performance of the sugar beet industry.

About the Author

B. Shundalov
Belarusian State Agricultural Academy

Shundalov Boris Mikhailovich – Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Analysis and Applied Informatics, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor



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For citations:

Shundalov B. Regional peculiarities of sugar beet cultivation in Belarus. Agrarian Economics. 2023;(2):68-77. (In Russ.)

Views: 264

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)