Assessment of trends in the development of peasant (farm) enterprises of the Republic of Belarus in the regional aspect
The article provides a detailed analysis of the indicators characterizing the activities of peasant (farmer) enterprises in the Republic of Belarus, assesses the effectiveness of their functioning. The dynamics of their number and availability of land resources that have developed over the 2017–2021 years has been revealed. The list number of employees and the load of agricultural land on each of them has been analyzed. The volume of agricultural production, net profit and the number of unprofitable peasant (farmer) enterprises have been estimated. Together, all this made it possible to identify areas for the development of proposals for their further development.
About the Authors
T. ZaprudskayaBelarus
Zaprudskaya Tatiana Anatolyevna – Academic Secretary, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
V. Kaliuk
Kaliuk Valentina Iosifovna – Leading Researcher of the Sector of Small Forms and Land Relations, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
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For citations:
Zaprudskaya T., Kaliuk V. Assessment of trends in the development of peasant (farm) enterprises of the Republic of Belarus in the regional aspect. Agrarian Economics. 2023;(2):38-47. (In Russ.)