Evaluation of the effectiveness of the functioning of the potato subcomplex of the Vitebsk region
The current state of the potato industry in the Republic of Belarus in general and the Vitebsk region in particular is analyzed. The main changes in potato production volumes are revealed. An assessment is given to the key factors of the efficiency of production and sale of this crop in the region under consideration.
Specific reserves for increasing the economic efficiency of production and sale of potatoes in large agricultural organizations of the Vitebsk region are considered. The necessity of introducing innovative projects in the potato growing industry to increase profitability (reduce unprofitability) in these farms is substantiated.
About the Authors
N. KorolevichBelarus
Korolevich Natalia Genrikhovna – Head of the Department of Economics and Organization of Agricultural Enterprises, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
I. Oganezov
Oganezov Igor Azizovich – Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Organization of Agricultural Enterprises, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
M. Korsak
Korsak Marina Mikhailovna – Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Organization of Agricultural Enterprises, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
A. Buga
Russian Federation
Buga Alexander Vladimirovich – Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Saint Petersburg
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For citations:
Korolevich N., Oganezov I., Korsak M., Buga A. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the functioning of the potato subcomplex of the Vitebsk region. Agrarian Economics. 2023;(1):58-69. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.29235/1818-9806-2023-1-58-69