Methodology for assessing the competitiveness of production based on the resource approach: the level of agricultural organizations and administrative regions
Theoretical provisions of the category “competitiveness” in relation to business entities are considered. An algorithm and methodology for assessing the competitiveness of production in the crop and livestock sectors have been developed, approbation has been carried out according to the data of agricultural organizations in the Vitebsk region.
The analysis of the effectiveness of the use of the resource potential of the subjects of the agrarian sector, the identification of reserves for successful functioning and competitive advantages are aimed at creating conditions for the maximum realization of favorable opportunities for the development of agricultural organizations and regional food subcomplexes.
About the Authors
A. GorbatovskijBelarus
Gorbatovskij Alexander Viktorovich – Head of the Sector of Industries Economics
O. Gorbatovskaya
Gorbatovskaya Oksana Nikolaevna – Head of the Sector of Management and Digitalization, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
M. Timoshenko
Timoshenko Maryna Vladimirovna – Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Milk and Beef Production Intensive Technologies Development, Candidate of Economic Sciences
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For citations:
Gorbatovskij A., Gorbatovskaya O., Timoshenko M. Methodology for assessing the competitiveness of production based on the resource approach: the level of agricultural organizations and administrative regions. Agrarian Economics. 2023;(1):27-37. (In Russ.)