
Agrarian Economics

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Theoretical approaches of reasons for interrelation of diversification of production and agro-industrial integration


Theoretical approaches to determination of types of diversification transformations of productions at the entities of agrarian and industrial complex are researched. The main conditions, prerequisites and factors of creation of the integrated agro-industrial forming are given. The conceptual model of interrelation of diversification of production and agro-industrial integration is proved.

About the Authors

Liudmila Lopatnuk
Institute for System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Inna Kulaga
Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University


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For citations:

Lopatnuk L., Kulaga I. Theoretical approaches of reasons for interrelation of diversification of production and agro-industrial integration. Agrarian Economics. 2016;(10):2-7. (In Russ.)

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