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Management of marketing complex elements in the beet sugar subcomplex of the Republic of Belarus


Discusses the peculiarities of the environment of functioning and management of elements of the marketing complex in the beet sugar subcomplex in Belarus. The dynamics of exports and imports in the context of countries for 2017–2021. The structure of exports and imports shows a high share of the Russian Federation (55 and 65,2 %, respectively). Currently, enterprises operate in a complex, volatile, highly uncertain marketing environment, so marketing activities are of particular importance to such enterprises. Marketing management is a complex organizational activity and includes the analysis, planning, execution of activities and control over the implementation of activities aimed at establishing, strengthening and maintaining profitable exchanges with target buyers in order to achieve the necessary levels of sales, profit and market share.

About the Author

E. Kokits
Belarusian State Agricultural Academy

Kokits Elena Valerevna – Associate Professor of the Department of Management, Candidate of Economic Sciences



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For citations:

Kokits E. Management of marketing complex elements in the beet sugar subcomplex of the Republic of Belarus. Agrarian Economics. 2022;(12):62-71. (In Russ.)

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