The main directions of development of cooperative and integration relations in the beekeeping industry of the Republic of Belarus
Outlines the priority areas for the development of cooperative and integration ties in the beekeeping industry. The economic, ecological and social significance of creating cooperative formations in beekeeping at the following levels is substantiated: personal subsidiary plots of citizens; peasant (farm) farms; agricultural organizations (specialized enterprises) engaged in large-scale production of bee products and the provision of services for the pollination of entomophilous plants; administrative districts and regions (oblasts), republic. Concrete proposals are presented for the creation of a research and production cluster for beekeeping on the basis of organizations of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.
About the Authors
V. PylBelarus
Pyl Vitali Sergeevich – Head of the Sector of Small Forms Management and Land Relations
H. Ganush
Ganush Hennadij Iosifovich – Head of the Department of Economic Theory and Law, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
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For citations:
Pyl V., Ganush H. The main directions of development of cooperative and integration relations in the beekeeping industry of the Republic of Belarus. Agrarian Economics. 2022;(12):53-61. (In Russ.)