The justification of necessity of circular business models forming for agrobusiness in sphere of circulation with a plastic waste of packaging for mineral fertilizers
Possibilities of creation of circular business models in agriculture for system of gathering, recycling and processing of a plastic waste of packing for firm mineral fertilizers are analyzed. The resource model connected with replacement of materials and a design of packing reservoirs (big-bags) for the purpose of their use in circular economy at the organization of recycling technologies is offered.
About the Author
A. PetrushkevichBelarus
Petrushkevich Anna Aleksandrovna – Graduate Student of Economy and Business Chair
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For citations:
Petrushkevich A. The justification of necessity of circular business models forming for agrobusiness in sphere of circulation with a plastic waste of packaging for mineral fertilizers. Agrarian Economics. 2022;1(10):78-84. (In Russ.)