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Sustainable development in agriculture: using of digital technologies in industries


Discusses the prospects for the use of digital technologies in agriculture. The study of domestic and foreign literature made it possible to identify the author’s approach to the definition of the concept of “digital economy”. Theoretical issues of the development of digitalization in the Republic of Belarus were studied. 

The main arguments for the development of a green economy in the Republic of Belarus were identified. The issue of development in organizations of the agroindustrial complex of such technology as precision farming was considered. The essence of the dutch Growth Project (system of “illuminated fields”) is disclosed.  

Possible problems with the use of digitalization in the Republic of Belarus have been identified and ways have been identified to eliminate them with the introduction of such tools as the Mechanism for smoothing the impact of digital transformation on national security and the National (individual) security plan 

About the Authors

A. Kliukin
Institute of System Researches in the Agroindustrial Complex оf the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Kliukin Artur Dmitrievich – Researcher of the Finance Sector, Master of Economics


D. Kivulya
Belarusian State Agricultural Academy

Kivulya Daria Sergeevna – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economic Theory of the Faculty of Economics



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For citations:

Kliukin A., Kivulya D. Sustainable development in agriculture: using of digital technologies in industries. Agrarian Economics. 2022;(9):50-58. (In Russ.)

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