Livestock products in Belarus: per capita production
The article is addressing the dynamics of livestock numbers in public and private agricultural farms and enterprises of Belarus over the years from 1941 to 2021. It is remarked that over a 50-year period the number of pigs increased twice, that of beef cattle increased more than twice, dairy cows – by 1,2 times, goats – by 1,07 times. Over the same period, sheep and horse numbers declined 6,3- and 5,4-fold respectively. Starting from 1991 and up until 2021, the numbers of dairy cows, pigs, sheep and horses declined significantly (37, 43, 78 and 84,3 % respectively).
In 2020, as against 1990, the live weight of cattle and poultry made 100,1 % and 108,8 % in carcass weight; milk production made 104,1 %. Per capita production of meat, milk and eggs was respectively 21 kg, 99 kg and 15 pieces more than in previous years. Increased per capita production of the basic animal products not only guarantees food safety in the country, but it also provides with export possibilities inviting the inflow of foreign currencies.
About the Authors
A. TsarenokBelarus
Tsarenok Alexander Alexandrovich – Head of the Laboratory of Environmentally Safe Animal Production under Technogenic Contamination Conditions, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
A. Karpenko
Karpenko Alexei Fyodorovich – Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Environmentally Safe Animal Production under Technogenic Contamination Conditions, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
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For citations:
Tsarenok A., Karpenko A. Livestock products in Belarus: per capita production. Agrarian Economics. 2022;(7):90-96. (In Russ.)