Egg poultry farming: the state of the industry, labor productivity, work efficiency
The fundamental production indicators of the state of the poultry industry in all categories of farms of the republic for a 5-year period (2016–2020) are analyzed. The main indicators characterizing the work of the egg poultry industry are studied on the example of the production unitary enterprise “Poultry Farm Orshanskaya” of the Vitebsk region. According to the reporting data of this agricultural organization, proposals have been developed for calculating and evaluating labor productivity based on net products (gross income, value added). At the same time, the cost indicators are adjusted for the basic consumer price indices. The main economic and financial indicators of egg poultry farming in agricultural organizations of Belarus are analyzed. The conclusions aimed at significantly activating the work of Belarusian poultry farms are presented.
About the Author
B. ShundalovBelarus
Shundalov Boris M. – Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Analysis and Applied Informatics, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
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For citations:
Shundalov B. Egg poultry farming: the state of the industry, labor productivity, work efficiency. Agrarian Economics. 2022;(4):47-59. (In Russ.)