Bioenergy efficiency of space-planning and technological solutions in dairy farming: assessment of options, promising models
The article provides a bioenergy assessment of the most common options for combining space-planning and technological solutions currently used in milk production in agricultural organizations of the republic, which allows a more objective approach to the choice of the optimal, from the point of view of energy-saving direction, option for the construction of new and modernization of existing dairy commodity complexes, in conditions of limited sources of energy resources, on the one hand, and the need to increase production volumes to ensure food security of the population and increase export potential, on the other hand.
About the Authors
A. GorbatovskijBelarus
Gorbatovskij Alexander Viktorovich – Head of the Sector of Industries Economics
O. Gorbatovskaya
Gorbatovskaya Oksana Nikolaevna – Leading Researcher of the Sector of Industries Economics, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
M. Timoshenko
Timoshenko Marina Vladimirovna – Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Milk and Beef Production Intensive Technologies Development, Candidate of Economic Sciences
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For citations:
Gorbatovskij A., Gorbatovskaya O., Timoshenko M. Bioenergy efficiency of space-planning and technological solutions in dairy farming: assessment of options, promising models. Agrarian Economics. 2022;(3):74-82. (In Russ.)