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Production and sales activity JSC "Babushkina krynka"


Dairy subcomplex is one of the most important elements of the product structure of the Belarusian agro-industrial complex, due to the social importance of its products. The economic value of a dairy subcomplex of agricultural organizations is that it provides a stable and uniform-receipts of revenue for the year contributes to the rational use of labor resources, smoothes out seasonal labor use. For the dairy companies to develop and implement effective and efficient management of the supply activity is the basis for its sustainable development. Management decisions in the field of sales are today one of the most important and complex areas of management, contributing to a more rational organization of product distribution. In conditions of market relations, the survival and success of any producers determined by the level of organization in the areas of sales and production. The primary is the sales, and the secondary - manufacturing activity.

About the Author

Olesia Starchenkova
Belarusian State Agricultural Academy


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For citations:

Starchenkova O. Production and sales activity JSC "Babushkina krynka". Agrarian Economics. 2016;(8):50-55. (In Russ.)

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