Methodology for the integral dynamic assessment of the competitiveness of regions with an emphasis on the environmental component
Based on the study of various methods and methodologies for assessing the competitiveness of regions used in modern domestic and foreign science, an algorithm for assessing the competitiveness of regions of the Republic of Belarus in conditions of sustainable development has been determined and substantiated, which includes 3 stages – preparatory, assessment, analysis of the assessment results according to the system of selected 6 aggregated indicators that do not contradict each other and reflect the
real (current state) and potential (the totality of available opportunities) competitiveness of the region from the standpoint of sustainable development, on the basis of which the levels of competitiveness of the regions of the Republic of Belarus are assessed on based on collected statistical data for the period 2015–2019; the requirements for the system of indicators are determined, which can be classified according to the direction and degree of impact.
The rating assessment of the regions according to the real, potential and integral coefficient of the competitiveness of the regions of the republic is presented in accordance with the proposed rating scale (from 0 to 1).
For citations:
Litvinchuk A. Methodology for the integral dynamic assessment of the competitiveness of regions with an emphasis on the environmental component. Agrarian Economics. 2022;(1):39-55. (In Russ.)