World market of potatoes and potato products and Belarus’s place in it
The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the world market for potatoes and potato products. A comparative assessment of world production and trade in terms of commodity and geographic focus is given. Key world players in the potato and processed potato market are presented. The place of the Republic of Belarus in the world commodity flows of potatoes and potato products in commodity, country and price aspects has been determined.
About the Authors
N. KarpovichBelarus
Karpovich Nataliya Viktorovna – Head of the Foreign Economic Activity Sector, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
E. Makutsenya
Makutsenya Ekaterina Pavlovna – Leading Researcher of the Foreign Economic Activity Sec tor, Candidate of Economic Sciences
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For citations:
Karpovich N., Makutsenya E. World market of potatoes and potato products and Belarus’s place in it. Agrarian Economics. 2022;(1):3-16. (In Russ.)