Foreign experience in organizing relationships between producers in the sugar beet subcomplex
The peculiarities of the relationship between producers in the sugar beet subcomplex on the example of existing business models in the European Union and the Russian Federation are considered. The main elements of balanced interaction between the participants in the value chains (current actors, price formation mechanism, terms of delivery and processing of beet raw materials, advance payment of costs, measures of government support) were determined. Current problems and longterm risks of producers’ development in the context of value chain have been identified.
About the Author
L. DovnarBelarus
Dovnar Liudmila Iosifovna, Leading Researcher, Candidate of Economic Sciences
Agroindustrial Complex
Institute of System Researches
Sector of the Economy of Industries
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For citations:
Dovnar L. Foreign experience in organizing relationships between producers in the sugar beet subcomplex. Agrarian Economics. 2021;(12):77-88. (In Russ.)