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Ensuring food security in Kazakhstan in modern economic conditions


   Food security occupies a special place in the system of national security of Kazakhstan, since the availability of food serves as a basic indicator of human activity. The country’s maximum participation in the international division of labor in the agro­industrial complex depends on solving the problem of food security. The choice of directions is determined by economic opportunities of the country, its role in the world, conducting of domestic agro­food policy, determination of advanced development strategy of agroindustrial complex, its basic branch – agriculture. Kazakhstan is the largest exporter of grain and takes leading place in the world in flour export. Thanks to good harvests in recent years, Kazakhstan was able to strengthen its ability to stabilize prices in the markets of Central Asia, Russian Federation, the Middle East, Europe and the Caucasus and improve its own prospects in terms of food security in the adjacent regions. The agriculture of Kazakhstan is in urgent need of modernization of its material and technical base, more advanced technologies and more effective and targeted state support, without which its dynamic development observed in recent years will be at risk.

About the Authors

K. Tireuov Kanat Maratovich
Kazakh National Agrarian Research University

Kanat Maratovich Tireuov, Рrofessor, Academician, Doctor of Economic Sciences; Рrofessor

National Aca­demy of Sciences of Republic of Kazakhstan

Department of Management and Organization of Agribusiness


S. Mizanbekova
Kazakh National Agrarian Research University

Salima Kaspievna Mizanbekova, Рrofessor, Doctor of Economic Sci­
ences; Doctor of Economic Sci­ences

Department of Management and Organi­zation of Agribusiness



D. Aitmukhanbetova
Kazakh National Agrarian Research University

Damira Almataevna Aitmukhanbetova, Se­nior Lecturer, Candidate
of Economic Sciences

Department of Management and Organization of Agribusiness



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For citations:

Tireuov Kanat Maratovich K., Mizanbekova S., Aitmukhanbetova D. Ensuring food security in Kazakhstan in modern economic conditions. Agrarian Economics. 2021;(12):67-76. (In Russ.)

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