Economic, environmental and social assessment of the competitiveness of the regions of Belarus from the perspective of the Sustainable Development Goals
The author’s methodology for assessing the competitiveness of the regions of the Republic of Belarus by economic, environmental, social blocks, taking into account the Sustainable Development Goals, is presented. The novelty lies in the complex determination of the competitiveness of the regions, reflecting the economic, environmental and social situation. Indicators are proposed for calculating the integral index and rating assessment of the level of competitiveness in the context of three blocks, not only for the analyzed regions, but also for the republic, taking into account the influence of external and internal factors in order to ensure sustainable development.
About the Author
A. LitvinchukBelarus
Anna Anatolievna Litvinchuk, Researcher, Master of Economic Sciences
Institute of Economics
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For citations:
Litvinchuk A. Economic, environmental and social assessment of the competitiveness of the regions of Belarus from the perspective of the Sustainable Development Goals. Agrarian Economics. 2021;(12):54-66. (In Russ.)