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Food security of the Eurasian economic union in the context of the global food system


In the article contains approaches to the stable provision of food security of the EEU member states, taking into account modern global trends in the development of agriculture, as well as the global agenda for sustainable development. It is proposed to form an integrated ecosystem by introducing tools such as the transition to the use of big data in the agricultural sector, the creation and implementation of scientific and technological solutions, the accumulation of human capital, e-commerce and a “green” economy.

About the Authors

M. Baygot
Eurasian Economic Commission
Russian Federation

Baygot Mariya Stepanovna – Head of the Section of Agricultural Policy Department, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor


M. Znovets
National Research University “High School of Economics”
Russian Federation

Znovets Maxim Pavlovich – Student



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For citations:

Baygot M., Znovets M. Food security of the Eurasian economic union in the context of the global food system. Agrarian Economics. 2021;1(11):44-51. (In Russ.)

Views: 460

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