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Special procedures for quality and safety of agricultural output


At realization of agricultural production, especially in a foreign market, production has to consider requirements of the import countries. If agricultural production is realized in a foreign market, for its reduction changes are made to compliance with normative documents of the countries - importers in the production technology. As danger of foodstuff make a biological, chemical and physical component in foodstuff. They can negatively influence health. Therefore for safety of food products its realization in the market is impossible without existence of the confirmed control system of quality and safety by the principles of HASSP (English Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points). The main directions of introduction of system of quality management and safety of food products are designated. Introduction of system of HACCP means at the enterprise high effective management of processes, economy of financial resources and time.

For citations:

Osnovin S., Osnovin V., Osnovina L., Maltsevich N. Special procedures for quality and safety of agricultural output. Agrarian Economics. 2016;(8):18-24. (In Russ.)

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