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The draft concept for the development of a cluster of institutional space food system of the Eurasian Economic Union on the basis of innovation


The article gives information regarding the creating and function of the international scientific centre of cluster organization AIC, the work of which will give an opportunity to concentrate financial and economic, intellectual and other resources to find the solution to major problems. Apart from that, according to the research, the establishment of such structure will reinforce international positions of national economy.

About the Authors

Andrei Pilipuk
Institute for System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Egor Gusakov
Institute for System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Fadej Suboch
Institute for System Research in Agroindustrial Complex of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


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4. Механизмы устойчивого сбалансированного развития продуктовых структур в рамках кластерного институционального пространства продовольственной системы Евразийского экономического союза / В. Г. Гусаков [и др.] // Весцi НАН Беларусi. Сер. агр. навук. - 2015. - № 2. - С. 4-18.

5. Научные основы сбалансированной агропромышленной стратегии Беларуси в Евразийском экономическом союзе / В. Г. Гусаков [и др.] - Минск: Беларус. навука. - 2015. - 258 с.

6. Гусаков, Е. В. Научные основы и организационно-экономический механизм эффективного функционирования кооперативно-интеграционных объединений в АПК / Е. В. Гусаков. - Минск: Беларус. навука. - 2015. - 206 с.


For citations:

Pilipuk A., Gusakov E., Suboch F. The draft concept for the development of a cluster of institutional space food system of the Eurasian Economic Union on the basis of innovation. Agrarian Economics. 2016;(7):2-8. (In Russ.)

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