Systematic intensification of production and cost of feed crops
Forage crops on arable land in Belarus occupy up to 50% of the area. On a large scale, perennial and annual grasses, corn for green mass and grain are cultivated. But the yield of forage crops, especially perennial and annual grasses, has remained low for many years. Therefore, the gross harvest of forage crops in dynamics is subject to significant fluctuations, the main reason for which is the insufficient level of intensification of field forage production. The main economic indicator that characterizes the effectiveness of intensification of cultivation of forage crops is the production cost of primary feed products (green mass, hay, grain). The lack of extensive official information does not allow for an objective assessment of the work of field feed production. Therefore, an in-depth study of the relationship between the level of production intensity and the cost of primary feed products was carried out on the example of the APC “Agrokombinat Snov” of the Nesvizh district. In addition, the structure of production costs of the main types of feed crops was calculated and evaluated based on the data of this agricultural organization in order to identify potential reserves for cost savings.
About the Author
Boris Shundalov
Belarusian State Agricultural Academy
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For citations:
Shundalov B.
Systematic intensification of production and cost of feed crops. Agrarian Economics. 2020;(7):59-72.
(In Russ.)
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