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Economic and energy efficiency of application of nitrogen fertilizer on crops of varieties and samples of spring soft wheat


The article presents the results of the analysis of the economic and energy efficiency of applying different norms of nitrogen fertilizer (100 kg a. s. /ha and 160 kg a. s./ha) when cultivating varieties and samples of spring soft wheat of the selection of RUE«Research and Practical Center of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus for Arable Farming». Varieties and samples are shown where the use of nitrogen fertilizer is economically and energetically more effective on crops.

About the Authors

Roman Melnikov
Research and Practical Center of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus for Arable Farming

Ivan Berestov
Research and Practical Center of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus for Arable Farming


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For citations:

Melnikov R., Berestov I. Economic and energy efficiency of application of nitrogen fertilizer on crops of varieties and samples of spring soft wheat. Agrarian Economics. 2020;(4):59-65. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1818-9806 (Print)